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Top Five Immune Boosting Foods

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

Top 5 Immune Boosting Foods

With the change of season bringing cold and flu season, I really start focusing on optimizing my immune health, specifically through immune boosting foods. There are many factors that play into our ability to fight off illness, but one of the easiest ways to support your immune system is through your nutritional choices. Using food as medicine and supporting your digestive health can go a long way in preventing illness. There are some great foods, packed full of nutrients, that I try and incorporate into my diet as often as I can in order to support my immune system. Here are my top 5 immune boosting foods:

1. Fermented Foods

We are talking foods such as yogurt, kefir (as long as you can tolerate dairy), sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, etc. These foods are rich in probiotics which we know are integral for our gut health. Our gut contains a microbiome that is made up of bacteria (the good and the bad) that is responsible for keeping things in check with our digestive and immune system as well as many other facets of health . Probiotics help to supply the gut with ‘good bacteria’ and compete with the unhealthy bacteria in the lining of your digestive tract. Establishing a healthy, diverse and thriving microbiome has been shown to really impact our immune status and the ability to fight off infection. Sometimes supplementing with probiotics is recommended (especially if fermented foods are not your thing), but your ND will be able to assess if probiotic supplementation is right for you.

2. Fibre Rich Foods

Foods rich in dietary fibre (fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes) contain PREBIOTICS that help to feed the good bacteria that is supplied by fermented foods (probiotic-rich) that we learned about above We know that taking care of our gut and supplying our microbiome with probiotic-rich foods has a huge impact on supporting our immune status. Dietary fibres are also very nutrient dense and filled with great vitamins and minerals that support our immune health as well, containing Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Zinc, Vitamin E, etc). If you are not sure if you are eating enough dietary fibre, chat with your ND for all your nutritional needs.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a plant that contains some great medicinal properties and should be a staple in your diet. Garlics active constituent, allicin, has been shown to have antimicrobial actions and therefore support our body’s immune health by preventing and fighting off infection. Research has shown the the incidence of colds is fewer in people who consume garlic regularly as well they experience fewer days of illness if they happen to get sick. Personally, around this time of year or if I feel like I may be coming down with something, I enjoy roasting a whole garlic bulb with some drizzled olive oil... YUM!

4. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which is a nutrient that is essential for our immune health. Zinc is a key co-factor that helps the immune system function and without adequate amounts can cause susceptibility to infection and even some inflammatory diseases. Having just a handful of pumpkin seeds for a snack or sprinkling on a salad can be a great way to get some zinc into your diet. Supplementing with zinc should be discussed with your ND as dosing and long-term use is something that should be taken into consideration.

5. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium and having a couple of day can provide a great daily therapeutic dose. Research shows that selenium is another nutrient that plays an essential role in managing our immune response and supporting the body’s ability to fight off illness. It has shown in research to promote the action of WBCs, (white blood cells) which are responsible for fighting off unwanted illnesses. Having a couple brazil nuts as a snack can be an easy and quick way to get your needed immune boost of selenium.

Meeting our body’s nutritional needs this season is essential to fighting off any lurking colds and flus heading your way. Adding in these immune boosting whole foods that are jam packed with nutrients will help support our body’s overall health. Your Naturopathic Doctor will be able to provide you with more foods and specific interventions to promote your digestive and immune health. BOOK HERE

Also, don't forget to check out my past blog post- 5 Ways to Naturally Boost your Immune System



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All Rights Reserved, Dr. Stephanie Fairborn 2024. 

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