There has been a lot of discussion about whether your diet can cause you to get acne and the answer is plain and simple, YES. Studies have shown that certain foods can cause a higher chance of causing you to break out as well as increase the severity of acne lesions. The top foods to avoid when trying to prevent acne and clear skin are:
Yes, we are talking all about all the cheese, yogurt, milk in your coffee, ice cream and all the other dairy products consumed on a daily basis. Dairy, found in a whole lot, has been linked to increasing your odds of having acne as well as the severity of those breakouts. Dairy causes you to produce IGF-1 (insulin-growth factor) which increases sebum production therefore results in clogged pores which we know causes breakouts.
The research states that regardless if you have yogurt, cheese or ice cream, all are seen to increase the chances of developing acne. That being said, having skim or low-fat milk showed higher odds breakouts vs. consuming whole milk. It should also be noted that the more dairy you consume, the more severe and inflamed your acne breakouts can potentially be.
If you are suffering from acne I suggest you eliminate it from your diet for 4 weeks and see if you notice any changes. If you notice some improvement try keeping it out of your diet for longer to see the full benefit. Eliminating dairy can be daunting, but there are so many great dairy-free milks, cheeses and ice creams out there to try.
When I say sugar I specifically mean foods that are high on the glycemic load scale. The glycemic load of a specific food determines how much it will raise your blood sugar after consuming it. Foods that have a high glycemic load (aka cause a spike in your blood sugar) are seen to cause more acne than foods with a lower glycemic load. High glycemic load foods have also been seen to increase IGF-1 in the blood, which we know from above can cause acne. Research has shown that a consistent LOW-glycemic diet will result in less inflammation and a reduction in total acne lesions. Staying away from these foods as much as you can will support your skin and prevent further breakouts.
Foods that have high glycemic loads are: processed foods (crackers, cookies, cakes), pasta, potatoes breads, rice, pop and juice.
Red Meat
Animal products contain Leucine, which are branched chained amino acids, aka building blocks for protein. Research has shown that Leucine increases your mTORC1 (which helps to control protein synthesis) and this can result in an more androgen hormone synthesis and lipogenesis with sebaceous glands. What does that mean exactly? It means you produce more oil in your sebaceous glands which leads to more clogged pores and therefore acne. As well with an increase in androgens, such as testosterone, when at excess, can result in acne lesions as well. Monitoring your intake of animal products, mainly red meat and dairy can help to reduce acne.
Eliminating diary, red meat and high glycemic foods, culprits of worsening acne, are the dietary changes you should make to help clear and then prevent further breakouts. You also want to be mindful of staying away from any food sensitivities you may have, they can cause an increase in inflammation that can also result in breakouts. Consulting an ND to get Food Sensitivity Testing and to support you with other aspects to improving your skin health is recommended. BOOK IN TODAY.