Its the end of the holidays where we have typically overindulged in one too many helpings or sweets (I know Im guilty of this). And yes, perhaps maybe our clothes are feeling a tad extra snug, so we resolve that we are going to focus on eating better and maybe adding in some movement too. Im all for cleaning up your diet and making sure you are eating well, but what if other factors are impacting overall weight gain?!
Studies have shown that stress makes most people overeat, specifically about two thirds of us (Im definitely in this camp), while the other one third tends to under eat. So when we are stressed more than half of us have a tendency to eat more. It has also been shown that during stressful periods, our stress hormones typically cause us to crave foods that are starchy (CARBS, hello breads, pastas and processed foods), sugary or high in fat. We know these aren't great dietary choices, but our body is craving these foods due to our unmanaged stress so more often than not we are going to indulge.
Stress also has the ability to cause issues with a hormone called LEPTIN. Leptin is secreted in our body (more specifically from full fat cells) when we have consumed a satisfying meal. It is super important as it tells our body its full and to stop eating. However, when we are stressed our body becomes less sensitive to LEPTIN and dulls this signalling process telling you to eat MORE. Therefore, managing your stress really can be a BIG piece of the puzzle for optimizing eating habits and regulating weight.
Did you know that when we are stressed we have a tendency to store food away differently as well? When you’re in a stressed state your body will store away the food you consume as ’visceral fat’ aka in your abdominal area. The MORE visceral fat you have the higher risk for metabolic (issues with your blood sugar regulation… hello DIABETES) and cardiovascular disease. So sure, if you turn to a donut here and there as a coping mechanism to get through a moment, no biggie… but if this is a constant afternoon habit, then let's chat and find ways to manage your stressors and make sure your health is not impacted.
We also know that stress looks different for everyone and what I may consider stressful, you perhaps would not. Therefore assessing your personal stress levels and making sure they are not impacting your health and eating habits is integral.
Naturopathic Care can provide a variety of options to help manage stress. Specifically, adaptogenic herbs (that support cortisol regulation and your adrenal response), dietary options and co-factors needed for cortisol production. Also, discussing coping strategies and how to build a lifestyle that allows you to get through stressful moments without impacting your health. Need support with this? Lets Chat.